1. Make a window object, an instance of the class JFrame. 1.a. Make the window appear. 1.b. Make the window 500x500 pixels big. 1.c. Set the header text of the window to "Your Drawing" upon instantiation. 1.d. Change this text to "My Drawing". 2. Make your own kind of window, a class called MyFrame, a subclass of JFrame. 2.a. Redefine the paint method of JFrame, and paint a line on its Graphics. 2.b. Paint a rectangle on it, using command line arguments for its coordinates. 2.d. Change the color used for drawing. E.g. Color.RED 2.e. Paint lines from (0,0) to coordinates given on the command line. E.g. in case of 100 200 300 100 have two lines: one to (100,200) and another to (300,100). 2.f. Put some text on the Graphics. 2.c. Draw a rectangular spiral on it similar to this: http://www.2dcurves.com/spiral/h13rectarch.gif 3. Read a word and a number from the standard input. 3.a. Read numbers from the standard input until you get a zero. Print the sum of the numbers. 3.b. Make a window with the (possibly multi-word) title coming from stdin. 3.c. Starting from (0,0), draw a sequence of lines. The endpoints come from stdin. 3.d. Starting from the center of the window looking upwards, read a sequence of commands from stdin as follows. This is similar to LOGO (without the turtle). - FWD : go 10 pixels in the direction you are facing, drawing a line - RIGHT : turn 90 degrees clockwise - LEFT : the opposite of RIGHT 3.e. Make a picture of Pac-Man with an eye and a mouth.